Collection: Annapolis Royal

Annapolis Royal is a historic town in Nova Scotia, Canada that served as the first capital of the province. Established in 1605 as the French settlement of Port Royal, it has a rich history spanning over 400 years. Annapolis Royal was the capital of Acadia and later Nova Scotia until 1749, when the capital was moved to Halifax. The town has a long history of changing hands between the French, Scottish, English, and British, and was the site of 13 military assaults, more than any other location in North America. In the 1970s, the town faced economic decline, but community leaders spearheaded a period of restoration and development that revitalized Annapolis Royal. This included the restoration of historic buildings like King's Theatre, the creation of the Historic Gardens, and the development of a waterfront boardwalk and Farmers & Traders Market. A must see is Fort Anne, originally known as Charles Fort, was built by Scottish settlers in 1629 and has been the site of 13 military assaults, more than any other location in North America.

Today, Annapolis Royal is home to numerous historic sites and museums, including the Port-Royal National Historic Site, Fort Anne (Canada's oldest fort), and the Annapolis Royal Historic District, the largest historic district in Canada. The town is also near Kejimkujik National Park, a UNESCO-designated biosphere reserve. Despite facing challenges like the closure of the local tidal power generating station, Annapolis Royal has maintained its vibrant community spirit and continues to attract visitors with its rich history, charming downtown, and natural beauty.